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The procurement team plays a vital role in acquiring drugs, equipment, and lab consumables for state-operated health facilities. This streamlined process ensures the availability of essential drugs while adhering to ethical and legal standards. Additionally, the procurement team evaluates and maintains connections with suppliers to ensure a stable supply chain.

In the procurement process, placing online indents via the application is a must. The reason is that the indent application includes a tracking mechanism that allows indenters to monitor the status and dates of their requests. In cases where requested drugs are not received by the expected date, indenters have to send a reminder instead of creating a new indent thus minimizing the likelihood of duplicate orders and overstocking.

Within the system, indenters can select medications from a pre-approved list, offering a streamlined approach to inventory management and preventing stockouts. This way, the system prompts additional procurement when buffer stocks are low - State, District, and Health Facilities warehouses maintain buffer stocks of six, three, and one month respectively.

Overall, the procurement team's efforts ensure state health facilities have access to safe, standard-quality drugs, contributing significantly to the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services provided to the community

Procurement Process

A simple representation of the process –

1. The indenter places an indent for a specific drug/drugs from the District Warehouses (DWH). If the requested drugs are unavailable at the DWH, they are then sourced from the State Warehouse (SWH).

2. In the event that the State warehouse stocks are running below the safety stocks or do not have the required items, the matter is escalated to the procurement team for necessary action.

3. Once the requested drugs are procured, they are sent to the respective warehouses which then send the drugs to the health facilities.

4. If drugs pass the quality test, they are released from the warehouses, which then send the drugs to the health facilities.